The Adventures of Caroline continues the series with the release of Vol II, the Emerald Dragon. In The Adventures of Caroline and the Time Machine, Vol. 1 of the series, Caroline traveled through time to find her parents after they had been helplessly sent into the future by a lightning strike to the mysterious time machine that Auntie Ann had given Charles. Caroline cleverly figured out how to operate the time machine and followed clues that reunited her with her parents...only to have all their hopes shattered by an unfortunate turn of events. A dragon had stolen the precious machine and flown away with it toward a distant island.
Now, in Vol. 2, The Adventures of Caroline and the Emerald Dragon, you can follow Caroline as she and her parents embark on an epic journey across the Sea of Seahorses to the Emerald Isle. They are searching for the Emerald Dragon so that they can retrieve the time machine. Without it, they can never return to the past. Will they succeed? Let’s find out…shall we?